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Holistic Life Coaching

I offer 60 minute zoom coaching sessions to help you gain clarity on what you want and what you’re going to do about it. I won’t offer much advice, but I will offer reflection, and possibly a new way of seeing things. I truly believe you already KNOW what you want and need and already HAVE all that you need for your journey. Sometimes we need a little support- an outside perspective to help us untangle from our daily lives so we can truly see what is and decide what we’re going to do about it. I offer a safe space to be seen and validated. If you desire positive change in your life and are willing to make adjustments for your highest good, I would be honored to sit an hour with you and help envision your transformation. 


A mentor once told me, “How can you see yourself accurately if no one in your life does?” We need others to reflect back to us who we are. I would be honored to do this for you. 


Coaching sessions are sold individually. While repeat sessions are available, one may very well be all you need.

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